Echeveria Succulent


Succulent Echeveria (Echeveria species) is a creeping desert plant that grows from 5 to 15 cm in diameter. Short-stemmed, the leaves are fleshy, stiff, light, grey-green, with pointed tips, the edges sometimes turn red when exposed to the sun. There are different types of Echeveria, e.g. Echeveria fimbriata, E. elegans, E. glauca. All very charming and easy to grow, fast growing, some even flower.

The succulent is sold with a decorative ceramic pot. The total height is about 10-15cm.

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Watering and care

Watering should be done so that the soil is slightly moist. Pour water directly into the ground, as the leaves may rot after receiving water. In winter, watering should be minimal, move to a sunny but cooler room. To make the tuft look more beautiful, the grown top can be cut off while protecting the leaves, as they break easily. The soil suitable for cultivation is the cactus substrate.


From spring to autumn, you can fertilize with a liquid fertilizer for cacti every 2 weeks.


18-27 degrees in summer, 13-24 degrees in winter. Echeverias blooming in winter need a slightly higher temperature.


A place with a little direct sunlight. In the summer, it can be gradually brought outside, but it must be brought inside when the air temperature reaches 13 degrees at night.


and problems Wrinkled leaves indicate that the plant is not getting enough water. Leaves may rot if water is poured on them. Too much moisture can kill the plant, root rot and powdery mildew can occur. If the plant winters too warm, it can be attacked by pests – root aphids and mealybugs.