101 Rose

Flowers are a time-tested gift for all kinds of occasions, especially roses. These flowers never leave you indifferent, but to enhance the impression, choose a bouquet from 101 roses. A huge, fragrant bouquet of roses will leave a unique impression on every girl.

101 roses is a luxurious gift that will barely fit in a girl’s lap. Such a bouquet is more eloquent than a thousand words – each rose will tell about your love and feelings for your girlfriend, mother, sister or friend on any occasion.

Choose a bouquet of roses in the color you like, you can choose from red, white and pink, as well as variegated or monochrome bouquets. We can match a ribbon of the right color to a gift or celebration, which will be used to tie your bouquet.

High-quality, fragrant roses with proper care, will delight your recipient for up to two weeks. It is best to keep such a bouquet of roses out of direct sunlight – in a cool place, and change the water in the vase daily.