Pink carnations box


An elegant and stylish box filled with pink carnations – a great gift for every woman. The amount of flowers in the box is 13 pink carnations.


These flowers are perfect with:

All the gifts you can add to flowers can be found here.


The color of the box is chosen randomly, but we always try to match the colors and make a beautiful composition. If you want to choose the color of the box, contact us and we will definitely find a solution! The color of the carnation may slightly differ from the image shown – it may be slightly darker or slightly brighter than pink.

Buy at the store

Shop opening hours:

Monday – Friday: 9:00-19:00

Saturday : 9:00-17:00


Delivery terms
  • Flower delivery available only in Vilnius (city) or Vilnius suburbs.
  • We deliver flowers in these Vilnius suburbs: Grigaičiai, Nemėžis, Grigiškės, Avižieniai, Skirgiškės, Bezdonys and other suburbs up to 20 km from Vilnius.
  • Deliveries carried out from 9:30 till 20:00 hours – from Monday till Friday. On Saturday and Sunday (only pre-orders on Sunday) delivery time is from 10:30 to 17:00. If you want the flowers to be delivered later or earlier – contact us and we will clarify whether the courier could deliver at your desired time.
  • Orders can be delivered at any time of the day at your chosen interval (from 9h. till 13h., from 12h. till 17h., or from 16h. till 20h.) or at a specified time for an additional charge(possible delay or delivery up to 60 minutes). On public holidays (February 14, March 8 and mothers day) orders are delivered all day (from 8:00 till 22:00 by courier made route) or at exact time with an additional cost (on public holidays up to 1h delay from delivery at the exact time).
  • For flower orders up to 40 euros interval delivery in Vilnius costs 7 euros, in the suburbs of Vilnius – 9 euros. For orders from € 40 we apply free interval delivery in Vilnius city. For deliveries outside Vilnius city (in the suburbs of Vilnius) free shipping not applied.
  • The minimum order price is 15 €.
  • Delivery of orders at exact time (+- 60 min) additionally costs 5 € (at February 14, March 8 and mothers day – 10 € – that we would be able to deliver because of the very high orders quantity).
  • Order earliest will be executed 3 hours after receiving the money.
  • On Monday – Friday we will deliver flowers on the same day if we receive the order till 17:00, on Saturday till 14:00.
Delivery price

Delivery price in Vilnius

Order from 40 € and more

Orders to 40 €

Exact delivery time (+-30 min)


Delivery price

Delivery price in Vilnius suburbs

Flower delivery in Vilnius suburbs

Exact delivery time (+-30 min)


Delivery price