Money tree „Zamioculcas“


Money tree (lat. Zamioculcas zamiifolia) is just one of the great indoor plants belonging to the aroid (lat. araceae) family of plants. The homeland of this plant is Madagascar. Recently, the money tree has become an increasingly popular indoor plant in Lithuania, and this is completely understandable, because it is beautiful, unpretentious, does not require attention, grows quickly, does not need direct sunlight and frequent watering. This evergreen plant has straight strong stems, dark green, shiny and fleshy leaves that are pointed at the ends. Roots are rhizomes. Grown indoors, the money tree can grow up to one and a half meters in height. It is said to purify and improve indoor air quality.

The money tree is sold with a decorative ceramic pot. Total height about 50cm.

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A bright, warm place is suitable for the money tree in the room, but the sunlight should be diffused.


The temperature in the room should be around 18-24°C. In summer, the plant can be taken outside, it is best to keep it in a bright place protected from drafts and direct sunlight.

Watering and care

This plant needs to be watered regularly, but moderately, so that the top layer of the substrate in the pot is always dry. It is best to water with room temperature water, pour it into the pot’s saucer, so the roots of the plant will take it as much as it needs. If you pour too often, due to too wet substrate, the rhizomes may start to rot, then the plant will start to die. So, if the leaves of the plant start to turn yellow, there is a good chance that you have overwatered them and the rhizomes have started to rot. Then the substrate should be allowed to dry well, or even the plant should be transplanted, after removing the rotten parts of the plant, so that the rot does not spread to other parts of the plant. You can clean the leaves with a damp cloth, but do not use products that give the leaves a shine, as this can damage the foliage.


The best time to fertilize this plant is in March-August, once a month. Fertilizers that are intended for cacti and succulents are most suitable for the money tree.


It can happen that the money tree is attacked by pests, usually mealybugs, which often reproduce indoors. These are aphids that resemble cotton swabs, most often found on the twigs of the plant. There are a number of ways to combat these aphids, but first you can try washing the plant branches with lukewarm water, and if that doesn’t work, try washing the plant with soapy water. A decoction of tobacco and alcohol can also help, and then if this remedy is not effective, chemical preparations, which can be found in garden supply stores, will help.
Sometimes due to improper care (too frequent and abundant watering, intense sunlight or unsuitable soil substrate in the pot), the leaves of the money tree may begin to turn yellow, change color or fall. Repotting the plant can help solve this problem.

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